Workplace Attire: Does It Really Matter What You Wear?

Once upon a time, suits, pencil skirts and blouses were the default workplace attire. However, since the coronavirus pandemic—when millions of people spent months working from home in the comfort of their own clothes—many have started to question: does it really matter what I  wear to work? Is there any evidence to say that I am less productive in my PJs than I would be in an uncomfortable suit and tie? Read on to find out more…

The Decline of Formal Business Attire

For years, we have been drifting further and further away from the strict enforcement of formal office dress codes. It started with ‘dress down Fridays’ in the 1960s, where workers were encouraged to let loose and wear casual clothes at the end of each week. Dress codes continued to relax as the decades rolled by, but before Covid-19 arrived, most of us were still expected to ‘look professional’ in the workplace, regardless of whether we were meeting with important clients or just sitting at our desks all day.

Now, in a post-Covid world, new YouGov data has shown that only 7% of workers still don ‘business attire’ like suits and ties to work, so we can almost guarantee (perhaps to the dismay of more old-fashioned employers) that formal work clothing is definitely on its way out.  

Do Dress Codes Increase Productivity?

The idea that you must ‘look the part’ in order to do your best work dates all the way back to the Victorian era, when wealthy and educated men wore their most expensive garments to work in order to signal their status and influence.

In modern society,  there is a general consensus throughout most workplaces that if workers are getting the job done, there is no reason to police what they wear. In fact, one recent study found that 61% of employees were actually more productive when there was a relaxed dress code in place.

It is studies like these that have encouraged many employers to prioritise their employees’ comfort in the workplace. As we’re sure everyone can agree, if your mind is preoccupied with how uncomfortable you feel at your desk, you are not going to be producing your best work.  

How to Keep Your Dress Code Casual but Unified

While there are good reasons why workplace dress codes are falling out of fashion, we understand that there are many benefits to having a unified and cohesive workplace environment (see our benefits of work uniforms blog).

Here at My Printed Clothing, we offer the perfect solution for employers who want to allow casual clothing in their workplace but don’t want to give up their brand’s unified look. We carry a selection of casual workwear, from polo shirts to hoodies to T-shirts, all of which can be personalised with your company’s logo today.

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If you’d like to read more about the benefits of branded workwear in the workplace, check out this blog: 5 Benefits of Branded Workwear