Logo Branded Polo Shirts – Everything You Need to Know

Logo branded polo shirts

Logo branded polo shirts are one of the most popular forms of uniform, and they’re commonly used by companies to help boost brand recognition.

There are a wide number of benefits that come with using branded polo shirts; we’re here to answer some of the most frequently asked questions, and let you know exactly how branded polo shirts can benefit your business!

Are polos shirts too casual for the workplace?

There is a common misconception that polo shirts are perceived as being ‘too casual’ for the workplace, but that’s not the case! Polo shirts are the epitome of business casual, and when kept clean and neatly pressed, a crisp polo shirt is a great way to create a sense of uniformity.


Why use company branded polo shirts?

As mentioned above, having employees in matching polos is a great way to create a visual unity, and it also helps to make staff easily identifiable to customers.

Logo branded polo shirts are incredibly diverse and aren’t limited to use as an in-office uniform. They can also be used in all manner of settings such as golf tournaments, fund raising events, even during networking events. The more you push your logo, the more recognisable your brand will be to potential customers.

Branded polo shirts are also popular since they are incredibly diverse – you can get customised polo shirts in all manner of sizes, cuts, colours and designs. A final – and one of the biggest - benefits of logo branded polo shirts? They don’t break the bank!

All in all, logo branded polo shirts are a great way to boost your brand recognition, and they double as a smart (and comfortable!) uniform for employees.

If you’re interested in using logo branded polo shirts in your workplace, My Printed Clothing specialise in creating custom logo branded clothing orders. Our customised polo shirts are available in men’s, women’s, children’s, unisex cuts – we every supply long sleeve polos and high vis polos!

Customised Polo Shirts

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